The stalwarts in the neurological arena in India realized in late 1960’s, that a separate section concentrating on various aspects of epilepsy is needed . The aims and objective of such a society had to go beyond the charter of the Neurological Society of India (NSI). Dr. Anil D Desai was designated Secretary of Epilepsy section within NSI and in the period 1968 – 1969, he along with Dr. Eddie P.Bharucha and Dr. Noshir H Wadia went about in a missionary zeal to form a new society. This society, without disturbing the constitution of NSI, will enable the new society to solicit funds. It will have members independent of NSI and include lay members interested in the specialty in any capacity. The new society was named Indian Epilepsy Association (IEA). A new constitution for IEA was formulated incorporating the essential objectives, and rules under the Societies Registration Act. XXI of 1860. There were 9 members of the first Governing Council. Dr. Baldev Singh, Dr. B.Ramamurthi, Dr. T.K. Ghosh, Dr. E.P. Bharucha, Dr. A.D. Desai, Dr. N.H.Wadia, Dr. K.V. Mathai, Dr. K.S.Mani & Mrs.Roshan H. Dastur. These members registered IEA in 1970. The movement spread with enthusiasm and by 1972 the Central Office in Bombay had 35 members (including 9 founder members), Bombay branch had 8, Madras 25, Delhi 31 and Bangalore 24 members. The annual membership fee at that time was Rs.10. IEA members started having regular meeting of its Governing Council and general body. In the first meeting held on 27th Jan 1971, Dr. Baldev singh was appointed chairman and Dr. Eddie P Bharucha Secretary of IEA Dr.(Miss) F.N. Kohiyar was appointed Treasurer. This meeting to ensure effective work in all important cities, took the decision to form local branches / chapters with 15 members atleast in each. The decision to seek affiliation to International Bureau of Epilepsy was taken in the G.C. Meeting held on 18 Dec.1973. The same year IEA received with deep gratitude a major contribution of Rs.10,000 from the P.C. Bharucha Trust. Gradually the movement spread to various part of the country resulting in formation of several new chapters/branches. The high point of the achievement of IEA was hosting 18th International Epilepsy Congress in India at New Delhi in 1989. National Epilepsy Day In the Indore General Body Meeting held on 17th Dec 1990, it was decided to have 17th November every year as the National Epilepsy Day. It was proposed to celebrate this day by holding lectures, audiovisual shows, exhibitions, painting seminars, contests etc.

President IEA


( 1971 – 2023 )

2022 – 2023 Dr Vengamma Dr Gagandeep Singh Dr Rajendra K Sureka
2021 – 2022 Dr. M.M. Mehndiratta Dr Gagandeep Singh Dr Rajendra K Sureka
2018 – 2021 Dr. G T Subhash Dr. B Rajendran Mr. K.V. Muralidharan
2016 – 2017 Dr. Satish Jain Dr. M.M. Mehndiratta Mr. K.V. Muralidharan
2013 – 2015 Dr. Mrs. V.V. Nadkarni Dr. M.M. Mehndiratta Mr. K.V. Muralidharan
2011-2013 Dr. H.V. Srinivas Dr. M.M. Mehindiratta Dr. C M Sharma
2009-2011 Dr. Pravina U Shah Dr. M.M. Mehindiratta Dr. C M Sharma
2007-2009 Dr. V.S. Saxena Dr. H.V. Srinivas Dr. C M Sharma
2005-2007 Dr P K Sethi Dr.H.V.Srinivas Dr. C M Sharma
2003-2005 Dr.K. K. Sinha Dr. V.S.Saxena Dr. H.V.Srinivas
2000-2002 Dr.B.S.Singhal Dr. V.S.Saxena Dr. H.V.Srinivas
1998-2000 Dr.Devika Nag Dr. V.S.Saxena Dr. H.V.Srinivas
1996-1998 Dr.K.S.Mani Dr. V.S.Saxena Dr. H.V.Srinivas
1994-1996 Dr. A. Das Gupta Dr. K.S. Mani Dr. V.S. Saxena
1991-1994 Dr. B. Ramamurthy Dr. K.S. Mani Dr. V.S. Saxena
1989-1991 Dr.T.K.Ghosh Dr E P Bharucha Dr(Ms) F Kohiyar
1986-1989 Dr.K.S.Mani Dr E P Bharucha Dr(Ms) F Kohiyar
1983-1986 Dr.T.K.Ghosh Dr E P Bharucha Dr(Ms) F Kohiyar
1971-1983 Dr.Baldev Singh Dr E P Bharucha Dr(Ms) F Kohiyar

Annual Conferences of IEA

Twenty-Ninth 21st to 23rd july 2023 Jaipur
Twenty-Eighth 5 – 7th Aug 2022 Thiruvananthapuram
Twenty-Seventh 17th to 19th Jan 2020 Ahmedabad
Twenty-Sixth 8th to 10th March 2019 New Delhi
Twenty-Fifth 2nd to 4th Feb 2018 Bangalore
Twenty-Fourth 17th to 19th Feb 2017 Patna
Twenty-Third 12th-14th/02-2016 Hotel Novotel Varun Beach,Visakhapatnam
Twenty-Second 6-8th/02-2015 Chennai
Twenty-First 31/,02-02-2014 Kolkata
Twentieth 8 / 10-02-2013 Hyderabad
Nineteenth 25 / 26-02-2012 Cochin
Eighteenth 25 / 27-02-2011 Dayanand Medical College, Ludhiana
Seventeenth 06 / 07-02-2010 Indore, Madhya Pradesh
Sixteenth 07-02-2009 SVIMS, Tirupathi
Fifteenth 02-10-2008 IHC, Delhi
Fourteenth 03-10-2007 Hotel President, Mumbai
5 / 6 Oct. 2006
NIMHANS, Bangalore
22 / 23 Sep. 2005
Hotel Rajputana Sheraton, Jaipur
28 / 29 Oct. 2004
Hotel Centre Point, Nagpur
27 / 28 Sep. 2003
Hotel Taj Residency, Visakhapatnam
30 / 31 Oct. 2002
Sanjay Gandhi PG Institute, Lucknow
14 /15 Dec. 2001
Hotel Regent, Mumbai
15 /16 Dec. 1999
Grand Kakatiya Sheraton Hotel, Hyderabad
16 /17 Dec. 1998
SCIMST, Trivandrum
10 Dec. 1997
Hotel Clarks Amer, Jaipur
10 Dec. 1996
Sisir Mancha, Kolkatta
15 Dec. 1995
AIIMS, New Delhi
17 Dec. 1994
National Science Complex, Bangalore
20 Dec. 1993
Hotel Savera, Chennai

From 1999 onwards, IEA & IES held joint conferences

Recepients of Prof. B.M. Sharma Oration and H.C. Bajoria Award Prize

BMS Oration
HCB Award
10 Dec. 1997
Prof. B. Ramamurthy —-
16 Dec. 1998
Prof. K. V. Mathai —-
15 Dec. 1999
Prof. N. Senanayake —-
13 Nov. 2000
No award —-
14 Dec. 2001
Prof. R. Sachdeo —-
30 Oct. 2002
Prof. O. N. Markand DR. H. V. Srinivas
27 Sep. 2003
Prof. G. Arjundas DR. V. V. Nadkarni
27 Oct. 2004
Not scheduled DR. B. Vengamma
22 Sep. 2005
Prof. B. S. Singhal DR. P. U. Shah
2006 5,6 Oct Bangalore Not scheduled Dr. G.M. Taori
2007 3, Oct Mumbai Dr. Milima A Kshirsagar Dr. Atul Agarwal
2008 21, Oct New Delhi Not scheduled Dr. E.S. Krishnamoorthy
2009 7, Feb. Tirupathi Dr. Ambar Chakravarty Dr. Meena Gupta
2010 6,7 Feb. Indore Not scheduled Dr. Shobini Rao
2011 Ludhiana Sam Berkovic Urvashi Shah
2012 Cochin Dr. Pritika Chari
2013 Hyderabad DrSamuelWeibe Ms Carol D’Souza
2014 Kolkata MsSuchitra Narayan
6-8th Feb, 2015 Chennai Dr Emilio Perucca Dr Bindu Menon
12-14th Feb, 2016 Visakhapatnam Dr Yashoda Wakankar

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